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im Huawei P20 Pro Forum im Bereich Huawei Forum. Thanks for reporting back though that it worked!This didn’t work for me, but it was worth a shot. Great! that are caused by this dumb split method).So for anyone else frustrated by this, I’m going to show you how to get your Matebook X Pro’s storage in order.For the older Matebook X Pro, all you had to do was:Boom, after that, you have one partition that will function as the universe intended it to.But, for yet another unknown reason, the new Matebook X Pro (2019) isn’t so easily convinced.When you try to do this on the newer model, you’ll get to step 4 and be greeted by a greyed out Delete Volume and Windows refused to let you change that.After hours messing with this, I figured out that the reason for this is the fact that Windows has decided (WHY, WINDOWS, WHY?!) The WinRE partition is in between the C and D drive so we are unable to extend the C drive into the unallocated space. You need to move the pagefile first before you’ll be able to delete the drive.I have the 2018 version it didn’t work so i tried the 2019 way, I moved the pagefile but still no option to delete the D drive..It’s not the same. I was able to delete the D drive no problem but it won’t let me expand the c drive. I just got my matebook x pro 2018 i5 and I tried ur steps. Huawei - Tastaturlayout ändern: Die Tastatur auf dem Huawei-Smartphone beherrscht diverse Tastaturlayouts, die ganz einfach in den Einstellungen für jede einzelne Sprache geändert werden können. It worked great, but took some time and effort.Thanks for the solution for people if this doesn’t work!If, like many of you, you were not able to get this to work for various reasons, I found going into Window’s Storage settings and clicking “Change where new content is saved” and just changing all the options to your other drive worked best. I have no idea why Huawei does this, but it’s super annoying.For some reason, Huawei partitions their laptops into two separate sections: one for Windows and one for “Data” instead of the normal everything-is-in-one-place approach that we’re all used to.Now, I can only assume the logic behind this decision is that its so your files are kept separate from your operating system files and while there might be benefits to this, it becomes a pain when Windows simply decides to install everything on the much smaller Windows partition instead of the majority of the Matebook X Pro’s storage located in the “data” partition.For me, and other reviewers I know, it’s so much better to just have it all as one partition (and not worry about the low storage errors etc.
It has a beautiful design, 5.5-inch screen, 13-MP primary and 5-MP secondary camera, it’s pretty fast and it is packed with many cool features.

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Sorry :/I did the steps with the pagefile, and it still won’t let me expand the C Drive. Sorry I can’t be of more help than that! Diskutiere Statusleiste nicht sichtbar!! Huawei Icons ändern – So ändern Sie Ihre App-Icons. I just got my Matebook X Pro yesterday and was at one point unable to transfer more files to it, although there were 400GB of free space. I don’t know what to do because now it’s saying that there’s like 400gb of unallocated space ? Unleash the Joy of Gaming with the latest hit titles, and discover hot new games, optimized to play faster, smoother and longer on Huawei & Honor phones. (My 2019 Matebook pro did not have a pagefile on the D: partition so I was able to remove the partition directly.) an das WiFi/WLAN-Symbol. Wondering if you could help with this issue?That means the pagefile is still on that drive.

Were you able to resolve this ?I have the 2018 matebook pro and tried both steps to delete the D drive and expand the C drive but both times the extend C drive option is still grayed out. folders are in the D: Drive rather than the C: Drive.Hit Windows key > Type Storage > Hit Enter > Under “More Storage Settings” select “Change where new content is saved” > Click the drop down menu for each file type and choose the desired Drive. Sorry I can’t be of more help than that! Could their be an issue with the way I recreate the D drive that’s not allowing me to extend the C drive after setting to no-page filing and then re-deleting it? I’d suggest maybe just backing up everything to an external hard drive and resetting the laptop then using this tutorial from there.
It’s always nice to have a seperate drive for your program files anyway so the C: Drive is a good place for that and the 80gb designated for it is a pretty good amount.Does anyone know 2 things that happen once you merge System & Data partitions on MateBook X Pro:Huawei Support responded “yes” to questions 1 & 2, but I’d like to double-check. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The option is greyed out! Batterie und Zeit sind die einzigen zwei Optionen ohne einen Schalter. Um die Statusleiste zu deaktivieren, schalten Sie einfach den Kippschalter daneben aus. Good luck!Hi. ThanksHi I need some help! Icons verändern ohne Rooten möglich. I used EaseUS partition master to clone the Matebook’s hard drive to a flash drive. to put the pagefile on this partition and because it’s there, won’t allow you to delete the volume.So, the solution? Immer mehr Huawei Nutzer und immer mehr Fuktionen führen aktuell wieder zu immer wiederkehrenden Fragen nach all den möglichen Symbolen in der Benachrichtigungsleiste. Kind regards, MateBook X Pro Owner.

I was getting kind of frustrated but then I found this Thank you so much for this!

Es gibt zwar hier einige standardmäßige Symbole, wie man sie inzwischen aus dem Alltag kennt – ich denke z.B. Batterie öffnet ein Popup-Menü mit Optionen, ob der Batterie-Prozentsatz nur während des Ladens oder immer angezeigt werden soll. ?Means you didn’t do the steps with the pagefile. Huawei Support responded “yes” to questions 1 & 2, but I’d like to double-check. Enjoy exclusive content and free welcome Gifts, special in-game events, competitions, prize draws and rewards only for AppGallery users. This worked on my 2019 model with the 2018 method. Didn’t need to do the extra steps for 2019 (in fact, saw them after the fact) Thanks!Oh wow.

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huawei statusleiste vergrößern 2020