FITC Toronto 2012 - Awesome!

First I'd like to say thanks to the FITC Toronto and Ladies Learning Code
for providing so many with a complimentary ticket to this incredible event.

I listened and watched some amazing people and learned so much.

Here is my short list of highlights and people/subjects to follow:

Grant Skinner, Createjs javascript libraries that provide support to build interactive experiences and animations using HTML5. Adobe Flash can export to this specification, so now Flash can produce HTML5 animation.

Adobe Keynote - so many awesome tools. Flash is still around to support advanced gaming and video effects, but it can export to HTML5 formats that work with the Createjs libraries. Adobe Shadow is a tool you must have if you are doing work with mobile displays and debugging desktop, tablet and smartphone interfaces all at once.

Michael Potter - I hear you like DIVs - a talk about using HTML5 semantic tags.

Paul Laberge - The status of the HTML5 standard and how to start using some HTML5 features like canvas, video, and audio. The coming Windows 8 platform supports apps built with HTML5/CSS3 and javascript. (

Pearl Chen - had an interesting talk about NFC chips and showed how she used tags to automate retrieving information using her Android phone.

Evan Roth - Some amazing data visualization (art) from data recorded while observing grafitti artists.

Sencha Architect makes building mobile apps look as easy as filling in some forms.

Bobby Richter - Mozilla's State of the Games on the Web - a great overview of support for gaming on the internet. (WebGL, Processing.js, ShaderToy, Three.js, CubicVR.js, WebRTC, and more)

Denise R. Jacobs - helpful advice about being a CSS detective.

Stacey Mulcahy - If you ever have an opportunity to hear her speak, go. You will be entertained. She talked about responsive design and the need to make the small screen experience just as engaging as the full desktop experience.

Just so inspiring...
