1) "Cover" is often used in a singer/band context, where the artist performs a song from another artist, most commonly associated with pop/rock. DJs began making their own reel-to-reel edits to mimic this process, to create long, danceable grooves. There's some scratches in there, but they're almost certainly extra material instead of using the original track.
User Info: Glavewurm. They can’t replace the bass or put effects on just the vocal a… / Medicine (Matrix Remix), 12", Ltd, W/Lbl, VRS036 Really strange choice to release Medicine Remix (was on VRS 001 RR and VRS 1LPR yet) when they have a lot of wicked unreleased stuff. If only the voice is preserved, if really "everything else is new" as in harmony, melody, key, structure and everything else was changed, then it hardly fits the cover description and is more on the remix grounds.Reinterpretations can be both covers and remixes (and neither), at least as defined by this answer.A remix uses source material from an existing, recorded piece of music, which has been re-arranged with technology, changes made to A cover is a new performance of the same piece, usually with some changes to instrumentation, styling and approach. removing pieces that will prevent it from getting played because it doesn't appeal to the target audience (Radio edits, club edits etc).Bootleg is the unofficial release of a song, be it through piracy, an actual legit release that isn't the "real" version of the song or whatever other way you might see a song leaked.Dub usually takes out vocals, and yea bootleg is unofficial remix, by meaning you did not get the rights from the original producer to use stems or whatever to make official remix.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castWelcome to /r/EDM! Then I took the song in a couple different direction while still splicing and combing some of the original elements with my own.As you’ll hear, I didn’t really change up the intro and verse, other than adding some of my own percussion. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. where they only keep the lead singers voice, and everything else is new: Simon from Deep Divas - The Rhythm of the Night. The remix too was born from the same necessity: DJs needed and dancers wanted records that were specifically re-tooled for the dance floor.The second classically defining feature of remixes and re-edits was legality. / Back when Cube was rollin' with Lorenzo in a Benzo / I was bangin' with a gang of
Although technically infringing copyright, throughout the pre-digital era the larger music industry was content to ignore DJ re-edits as they could be an effective promotional tool for the record labels and it was only working DJs who had access to them.However, recent years have seen a sharp rise in re-edits being released and sold as either original compositions or as ‘reworks’. In covers resemblance with the original is more important. Do they try to resemble the original or are they trying to do their own thing? However, there are a couple of main features which define remixes versus re-edits. Dodge Super 8 Hemi 11. 1970 Cadillac El Dorado 3. "What's The Difference" is great one. My apologies to music students out there :)Lets take Corona - The Rhythm of the Night as an example.The cover by Bastille (which is also a mashup) is clearly a cover? "Remix" is used in a production context, where the reconstruction is made using DAWs, effects, synths, edits, etc, most commonly associated with electronic music. Simple!Drop your email address here, we'll send you news, tutorials, and special offers once a week.Unsubscribe at any time. Kingdom Hearts Final Mix features changes from the original version, including bosses present in the English version, but not in the original Japanese version.
@ChristianWattengård My answer addresses that question. I think the difference is in the context, methods, tools, and limitations. Access to the original parts still makes something a guaranteed remix, but it’s not a requirement anymore. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us
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