zkm berlin

zkm berlin

Online Talk with Peter Weibel and Bruno Latour Dear visitors, from now on we are allowed to offer limited analog mediation formats with distance and hygiene guidelines.Please visit our digital offers, which you can find on the The collection and the archives contain works and documents from the 20The special feature of the ZKM's collection activities is its focus on the electronic arts. The video art collection is one of the largest in Europe and the computer art collection is the largest of its kind in the world. And at the end of the decade, Tom Lamberty made his first appearance as editor. The focus was no longer on the major power structures and political struggles, but rather on power-political tactics of social minorities that asserted themselves outside the center. Peter Gente, Merve Lowien, Rüdiger Möllering and Michael Kwiatkowski founded the Merve Verlag in West Berlin in 1970. The collective potential of these small struggles was now of interest. Here the focus was placed on works of art which engage with themes, events, and personalities in Germany's historical past through to the present-day.

Reduction of VAT from July 2020 Our formats, which return regularly, appeal to a wide range of interests. Subscribe to our Reports about our exhibitions, interviews with artists and curators or documentaries about exhibited works. Art, music and aesthetic theory increasingly moved to the centre of the Paris-Gente universe.

Students aged 15-19 can apply The ZKM is passing on the reduction in value added tax as of 01.07.2020 to its customers in the shop. Overview Development & Philosophy Organization Contacts Press Location & Renting Vacancies Submissions Support Association Partners & Sponsors. In addition, there is an extensive collection of works of electronic music.... in the current ranking of the world's largest art database »ArtFacts.net«, the ZKM achieved fourth place among the best exhibition houses. Among others, the members of the publishing house often exchanged correspondence with Theodor W. Adorno, Roland Barthes, Dirk Baecker, Jean Baudrillard, Hannes Böhringer, Daniel Charles, Gilles Deleuze, Heinz von Foerster, Michel Foucault, Felix Guattari, Johannes Gachnang, Pierre Klossowski, Sylvère Lotringer, Jean-François Lyotard, Herbert Marcuse, Harald Szeemann, Walther Seitter and Paul Virilio. The magazine shows the people behind the exhibitions and their experiences Explore the exhibition in a 360° tour In the decades that followed, the project, which was started as a neo-Marxist collective, went through many phases of development: Initially striving to revive German cadermarxism through impulses from France and Italy, the publishing house published texts by the Italian collectives Il Manifesto, Lotta Continua and Potere Operaio, but also by authors such as Louis Althusser, Jacques Rancière, and many others.When the publishing house changed from a collective to a two-person operation in 1974, the management duo Heidi Paris and Peter Gente bid farewell to Marxist theories and, on Paris' initiative, sought contact with the poststructuralist theorists of France. Kapitalismus und Schizophrenie« (A thousand plateaus. Museum communication is interdisciplinary, cross-media and participatory! The cultural historian Philipp Felsch goes so far in his publishing history as to call the 1980s the »Merve Epoch«. Inside the White Cube«, the first German translation of the seminal essay by Brian O'Doherty. About the ZKM. Collection & Archives; Archives; Acquired archives; Merve Verlag; Merve Verlag “We are a small underground publishing house, non-profit. In 1991, Gente and Paris added Slavoj Žiźek to their programme with »Liebe dein Symptom wie Dich selbst!« (Love your symptom lie yourself. There had been close cooperation and lively exchange with Sylvère Lothringer and his publishing house »Semiotext(e)« since 1979.

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zkm berlin 2020