redewendung on fire

redewendung on fire

etw. yo I just had sex with Kim Kardashian !!" Synonyms (being burned by fire): afire, aflame, alight, burning, flaming, going up in smoke, in flames on fire {adv} in Flammen to be on fire brennen in Flammen stehen to be on fire [coll.] (burning) en feu loc adj locution adjectivale: groupe de mots qui servent d'adjectif. "man shut up, your pants are on fire If the wind picks up and the flames spread, the whole town could go on fire. on fire: etw. [idiom] Großes leisten: to set on fire: anstecken [anzünden, in Brand setzen] to set on fire: Feuer legen: to set sth. in Brand setzen

anzünden [in Brand setzen] to set sth. Utilisez le dictionnaire Anglais-Français de Reverso pour traduire on fire et beaucoup d’autres mots.

Pour garantir la qualité des commentaires, nous vous prions de vous identifier.[Fig.] on fire etw. to set the Thames on fire [Br.] 's … Vous pouvez compléter la traduction de on fire proposée par le dictionnaire Collins Anglais-Français en consultant d’autres dictionnaires spécialisés dans la traduction des mots et des expressions : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins, Merriam-Webster ... Se place normalement après le nom et reste identique au plurielEx : "ballon de football, des ballons de football" anzünden [in Flammen setzen] to set on fire Feuer legen anstecken [anzünden, in Brand setzen] to set sth. Vous souhaitez rejeter cette entrée : veuillez indiquer vos commentaires (mauvaise traduction/définition, entrée dupliquée, …). ; il n'a pas inventé la poudre ! heiß sein [ugs.] I had the truth on my side.→ His car was raked with fire from automatic weapons ...→ The troops fell back as the infantry came under fire from the enemy→ Then without warning, the troops opened fire on the crowd.→ Experts think investors should hold fire for now.→ Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds ...→ people had honked their horns and fired their guns to celebrate→ Troops fired machine guns as bulldozers ripped up the runway→ They were bombarded by more than 100 representatives firing questions at them on pollution.→ ... the potential to fire the imagination of an entire generation→ Seventeen people were killed when security forces fired on demonstrators ...→ It was Mark's first introduction to royal duties and he came through his baptism of fire unscathed.→ A fire blanket is a wise precaution in the kitchen.→ Seven fire brigades were deployed to contain the blaze.→ Fire crews were called to set them free from the wrecked cars.→ Don't leave a child alone in a room with an open fire.→ In the back of the truck was a 12.7 millimeter rapid-fire machine gun.→ Yul listened to their sophisticated, rapid-fire conversation.→ ... the rapid-fire buying and selling of stocks ...→ The company made a rapid-fire series of settlements with 25 States. in Brand stecken: to set sth. Ex: Not only did he not set the thames on fire; but if nothingness could be measured, the level of his reflection would serve as stanbard meter!menteur, ton nez s'allonge ; tu mens, ton nez s'allonge ; c'est un mensonge, ton nez s'allonge[Fig.] 'on fire' également trouvé dans les traductions du dictionnaire Français-Anglais


on fire: etw. Proposer une autre traduction/définition on fire adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." to be on fire [idiom] [be full of enthusiasm] Feuer und Flamme sein [Redewendung] to light sth. ; il n'a pas inventé le fil à couper le beurre ! Achieving good results at a rapid rate. on fire.

= a phrase that children like to say when the other gets caught in a lie. on fire [Am.] Being burned by fire. the shortened phrase of "liar liar pants on fire", means that you are lying, not telling the truth, etc.

Dictionnaire Anglais-Français : traduire du Anglais à Français avec nos dictionnaires en ligne in Brand setzen: to set a house on fire: ein Haus anzünden: to set sb. traduction on fire dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Francais de Reverso, voir aussi 'fire alarm',fire blanket',coal fire',electric fire', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques [idiom] die Welt aus den Angeln heben [Redewendung] to set the Thames on fire [Br.] → My home caught fire and everything was destroyed ...→ We warned her she was playing with fire going on a trip like this→ I am sure he had more fire in his belly when he was a student leader→ A fire had severely damaged part of the school ...→ I knew I had to fight fire with fire. = a phrase that children like to say when the other gets caught in a n'a pas inventé l'eau chaude ! That striker has scored four goals so far - he's on fire! on fire: etw.

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redewendung on fire 2020