man karriere

man karriere

Careers at MAN. Our after-sales brand, MAN PrimeServ, offers a vast network of service centres to our customers all over the world. Executive Board. Anne-Kathrin - Trainee HR Innovation. He used to travel Europe's roads as a trucker.

I am the only woman in the After Sales area of the service outlet.

There is lots of contact with customers, and also with the drivers. After my internship, I was accepted onto the MAN Study Sponsorship Scheme, which gave me the opportunity to complete a placement abroad at the MAN Latin America site in Resende, Brazil. The company, which is based in Munich, Germany, is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of commercial vehicles. The biggest challenge here is always needing to be quick. The interview was really friendly and I am now very happy here.

I found out about MAN on the internet and applied. There are not many people who can say that. The interview was really friendly and I am now very happy here.I am the only woman in the After Sales area of the service outlet. I have been a MAN Trainee in the Complete Vehicle Engineering department with a focus on electromobility since May 2016.As a Trainee in the field of HR Innovation 4.0, I am discovering the personnel management strategies of the future. Here I service and reassemble vehicles, and get them back on the road. In addition to consistent customer orientation, the key success factors are technology leadership and the continuous expansion of the after-sales business. I will continue to benefit from this network even after my trainee program has ended.What is a typical working day like for our trainees and what have they experienced in their time at MAN?

My highlight was the new interior and exterior design of the TG – an appearance as strong as a lion. I have been a MAN Trainee in the Complete Vehicle Engineering department with a focus on electromobility since May 2016. What is it that I think makes our trainee program special? I had the opportunity to get stuck in alongside our Production employees and experience the creation of our products first-hand!Across the different trainee stations, we forge valuable contacts in a range of specialist areas. Events like these give us a fascinating insight into the other brands in our holding company and spark interesting discussions on a wide range of topics. One of my personal highlights in recent months was the week I spent in the Production department. When the vehicles are with us in the workshop, the customers can't use them to earn any money.I am proud to be able to work for MAN and hope that I can be here for many years to come.The working atmosphere here is great, because it's really more like being in a family business. Read more. Go to Management board Careers. It is also good to develop as you work. I really like going to work. What I currently do at MAN. In my report, you will discover why our trainee program is the perfect stepping stone for young graduates with team spirit, individual responsibility and a thirst for knowledge.At the start of my trainee program at MAN, I had the opportunity to visit the IAA Commercial Vehicles trade fair with the trainee team. This includes servicing, getting the brakes going again, installing and removing the gearbox - that kind of thing.

After school I looked for an apprenticeship. Read on for their genuine insider insights.The opportunity to shape the future of mobility and logistics – this is what MAN offers in the development of alternative drives. I provide strategic support to the executive office and operational support in the area of personnel development, as well as assisting with agile project management in HR Innovation as well as in IT matters.

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man karriere 2020