gw2 upcoming patch

gw2 upcoming patch

YES! It always specified that it only affects skills. Thats what permastealth means. Deadeye's trait allows them to engage back into some form of stealth loop much easier than base thief of course, so they're more practical for combat while having high stealth uptime.TLDR: I'm assuming the point of the person I was re-quoting was that even after the nerf of cooldowns "permastealth" thieves can still exist with the abilities/traits that the OP presented. Elite specializations were introduced with the Heart … Chronomancer shatters require at least 1 clone to activate, and unlike core shatters they do not replicate the shatter effect on the mesmer.While reapers were designed to be durable frontline fighters, the Soul Eater trait is providing a little too much survivability, so we're removing the ability for this trait to heal while in a shroud-In this update we've made some reductions to tone down the strength of some soulbeast PvP and WvW builds.Good. Most importantly, how Anet never cared about our concerns especially when it comes to us begging them when Toxicity is being exploitedAs long Anet continues defending Toxic Thief Profession and Toxic Stealth mechanics, nothing will ever change. Beyond these changes, we are also scaling up skills and traits that looked like they were just marginally out of play and reducing some might generation in PvP.In this update, we are reworking the Shadow Arts trait line for thieves. In the case of elite specializations like druid, herald, chronomancer, berserker, or scrapper, this type of trade-off isn’t possible because the specialization adds a completely new ability. Heralds and renegades won’t have access to this skill as they have their own unique specialization F2 skills.This update also sees a large overhaul of revenant healing builds through changes to the staff weapon and the Salvation trait line. GW2 New Skyscale Mount In Next Episode. Eles needs to live with this kind of things since ages, so can druids.Killing soulbeasts' unblockable abilities removes one of the last holdouts that could deal with some of this ridiculous bunker meta. Again my point was that currently you don't need half of what the OP has for just permastealth, so the balance update will nerf what I presented. There's also the possibility that when you see a thief go into stealth once and you get shook and they turn into permastealth thieves when you post about them.What matchup and time zone is this army of perma stealth thieves playing that we hear about in this forum? Note that this post is identical for the PvP and WvW subforums (minus the changes to PvP build items), but duplicated for the purpose of more easily obtaining mode-specific feedback. is providing a damage modifier that is significantly higher than any other single persistent bonus damage increase, so we're reducing the bonus to match other similar skills in a competitive setting. Meanwhile no fix to Lost Time....Losing distortion on the other hand is a perfect tradeoff though.PS: Here's how to make Elusive Mind balanced and how I've said it should've been from the start: Remove the stun break entirely, remove exhaustion, make it 2 cleanses on dodge and if too strong like that; add a short ICD to it.

As someone who loves rifle & kits holo, and has done since PoF came out, this is really discouraging to see.Yeah it's really dumb on their end. Why is it that Anet decided that 31k DPS on a high risk build should be nefed even further? CDR higher cost of skill use will never fix the underlying problems of gw2 there needs to be a major update to old effects that are being exploited in some ways like stealth leaps or not being used at all other blasting or leaping effects though other fields.Fields should work how they're working right now. (Most importantly the range threshold stuff. With the upcoming update we're continuing to create the promised tradeoffs to some elite specialization lines with changes to chronomancer shatters, an overhaul of scrapper specialization traits, and some improvements to the base necromancer Death Shroud, all in order to make the choice of an elite specialization more meaningful. We also changed a number of abilities that would destroy missiles, making them block missiles instead.With the addition of the weaver and sword abilities in Following the previous gyro updates, we’ve had the opportunity to update gyros for underwater use as well. This also includes the stealth gained from traits. Arenanet will be making some major balance changes with the upcoming patch. You can talk about the numbers, but this does help enforce a fairly hefty tradeoff at a mechanical level.For the love of everything you can either tell the op why he's wrong by providing your own examples or you can just continue to just post pointless back and forth attacks on each other for your opinions.The op came here with his own opinion and math on the nerfs and regardless if he's wrong or not he's shown something, don't just pointlessly tell him again and again that he's wrong just give your own examples so that we can hopefully have a constructive conversation here.Since they've improved their engine and visuals, I'd just change stealth from constant 0% visibility to pulsing between 0% and 50%.So what defensive buffs will you give to thief to make up for losing stealth, as well as nullifying almost an entire traitline for the class?I think after all these yrs it's pretty clear what anets vision and stance on stealth is at least regarding thief so no topic pls, time to move on. Good job, can't wait to see it all play out.

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gw2 upcoming patch 2020