At the end of the first kilometre, there is the old town Pag and some 200 metres further begins a macadamized road without any severe gradients. Einzelheiten sind jeweils unter den At 7,4th kilometre, on your left side there is a watering place for sheep. A lot of huge transmission line pylons which transmit electric current from Zadar to Pag are also included in this interesting scenary. It is a very sheer descent and only more experienced bike riders should pass it. If you start from Kolan you will get to the route number 1. Driving along this route will be the absolute pleasure for every bicycle driver. Riding on 20/30 metres above the sea level and looking at Pag bay is a true joy. Radtouren in Kroatien ★ Insgesamt stehen euch in der Region Kroatien 376 abwechslungsreiche Radtouren zur Auswahl. Kroatien-fahrrad-touren - Route - "Caska - Metajna - Rucice canyon" route. At the end of the route you will see one of the most characteristic symbols of the island, Pag bridge. Weiters ist es wichtig zu wissen, dass – wenn Sie vom Ausland nach Italien telefonieren – die „0“ bei der Vorwahl immer mitgewählt werden muss. Lun is a nice and picturesque hamlet where you can try some delicious local specialities. If you turn left you will proceed to Gorica which is some 600 metres away, but if you turn right using routes number 4, 5, 6 and 7 you will reach Povljana. Having to rest and gather strength in a nearby restaurant (opened during summer season only). Riding along this road, one avoids a much frequented road from Pag to Zadar. There is a beach at the end of the wood. Kroatien: 00385 Bitte beachten Sie, dass in Italien die Ortskennzahlen (Vorwahlen) immer gemeinsam mit der Telefonnummer gewählt werden müssen, auch wenn man sich in derselben Ortschaft befindet. More demanding ones might ride a route number 12 or take a ride to Caska. There are no objects and no fresh water springs all along the route so take enough refreshing drinks. In Kroatien gibt es bisher nach unseren Informationen zwei Bahntrassenradwege. Auf Teile des Textes, einzelne Bilder und Grafiken und die GPS-Tracks können zusätzliche Bedingungen anwendbar sein. One should be very careful while driving along this road during summer season because it is extremely narrow and surrounded by stone walls (driving aside a car could be very risky). This route is a motor road as well. If you don't want to go with this uphill path you can carry on to the designation of the 15th meridian which is at 6th kilometre (6,3th kilometre).You will be "interrupted" by the dazzling beauty of the nearby coves and beaches all along the way. Those who like carrying their bicycles or are in favour of the extreme ways of riding, going over the pass towards Mandre might lead them to the route number 8. You can ride your bicycle along the asphalted road when returning to Pag. Jerolim (St. Jerome's) chapel (12,9th kilometre) you can take a rest in the shade of coniferus trees and after that continue the adventure to Novalja. The first part of the route goes along the coastline and through a small wood. By turning left you could get to a beautiful beach. Liste von 5 offiziellen Radwegen für Radwanderungen in Kroatien. Having driven the next 1350 metres and turned left, you will reach Caska. Having descended to the centre of the stone pit, you are at the end of a 10,5 kilometre long route. The special and exciting experience will be passing near the salt pans. The last 300 metres before reaching the main road are very narrow and this earthen road passes through reeds. You can have a rest or drink and eat something at Slavek's (Canyon grill) at any time. Be careful as it is the motor road too! This route is a motor road as well. You don't have to stick to the marked route but you may playfully intersect the plain (polje) in various directions. "Vodice (Pag beach) - Sv. Some of them are more than 1000 years old. A narrow, asphalted road (1,2 km long) from Vlašići to Smokvica passes through grasslands and small isolated sandy beaches. Damit ihr euch einen ersten Überblick über die Möglichkeiten in der Region Kroatien machen könnt, haben wir euch hier die schönsten Radtouren der Region Kroatien zusammengestellt: Don't forget to close the gate, please. It takes you to the beginning of a more demanding route. Having passed the crossroad, you will notice two macadamized roads which lead to Girenica cove. At 1,5th kilometre there is a big gate which has to be closed after passing through it. When in Metajna try some fresh Velebit water or excellent fried picarels (girice). If you came from Pag, having passed St.Jerom's and turned left, you will get to the route Kolan. This route is for all those who love family rides and who enjoy being in nature. You will have the opportunity to stop and take a swim throughout the route. The accesses to them are very sheer so be cerful and patient in finding a better and more accessible way to get to the desired beach and its refreshing water. At 6,8th kilometre you will reach the first stone pit. No metter how hard this route may seem you will end it in no time because it is a very short one. Both you and your bicycle will need staying power to end this route. There are no natural shades in this area and no place to have a refreshing drink. You will be constantly surrounded by the rocky landscape on the top of a small peninsula, Prutna. It partly passes by fields. This route calls for your utmost attention and top shape due to its sheer gradients. A special adventure will be the last part of the route beside the old olive trees. Suddenly, you will be alone and surrounded by rocks and bushes only. 1,7 kilometres away from the centre of Novalja you will be riding along some easy gradients and passing across small bridges. A kilometre more, a walk along the stoney path will take you to the well known beach, Zrće. There you can sunbathe and swim nude (11.4th kilometre). Here you can have some rest or continue to another stone pit a 1,4 kilometre later.
The next part of the way is asphalted till Košljun. All your hard work will prove when you reach a beautiful and green end of the route. At the 5th kilometre (precisely, at 5,7th km) of your ride, on your left side, you will notice a sign denoting the beginning of the route to the top of the hill Sv. If you are tired turn left (direction from Novalja) and have a rest on Potočnica or Jakišnica beaches.
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