Our special Corona-offer: As compensation for the varying delivery times you will also get the download-link when you order the album as physical CD!
Blues Bear is proud to present Celtica Pipes Rock now Celtica Nova who be performing a special one night only concert at The Aloha Theater on the Big Island. Iron, recognisable by the rusty spots, reflects the extremely durable iron the Celts made for their swords, and which was highly coveted by the Romans(!). Availabe in our web shop in small till 3X large. Wir sind sehr froh, Ernesto Góngora als neuen 2. beginnt im Juni. We asked them about their current situation and about their plans for the near future. Two videos catch the electrifying performance in front of thousands of head banging “metal-heads”. Celtica-Auftritt in Asien, das 1. We still show you the interview so you can see, how much we all are looking forward to play this festival, and you might understand better how it feels for an artist when he finally can´t participate… But the good news is, that Aya Georgieva will play with us at Graalfest!Aug. Homepage von Celtica Pipes Rock! On bagpipes: John McLean Allan and Gwendolen Rowe. Celtica-Auftritt in Mumbai/ Indien/ Asien, das Video, das wir für das 1. We asked them about their current situation and about their plans for the near future. Bleibt gesund und zuversichtlich – wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen mit Euch allen wenn der Corona-Wahnsinn vorüber ist! Ernesto ist ein echt sensationeller Bagpiper mit strahlendem Sound, unglaublicher Perfektion und –am aller wichtigsten!- beeindruckender Musikalität. Natürlich wurde bei der kleinen Feier immer auf den Corona-bedingten Mindestabstand geachtet…! It was a pleasure and a honour to present the singers of the Village Voices their personal copies of Celtic Spirits. The full version of “Atholl Highlanders” will be released on the upcoming album “Celtic Spirits”, in May 2020!
Support the band and purchase Celtic Spirits directly at the Celtica web shop: Today I got 3 large boxes with several hundred copies of Celtic Spirits! “Visiting Friends 02: Jane Espie, the Phantom Piper!Celtica auf Besuch bei Freunden: “Visiting Friends”!Celtic Spirits-Tshirts, Girlies und Tanktops eingetroffen!gzeug-Aufnahmesessions für das neue Celtica-Album “Celtic Spirits” fand wieder beim renommierten Topstudio gosh-Audio statt. 2012 Energized by their second CD release “Oceans of Fire”, which contains also original tunes, they are booked solid on the European festival circuit from May to October, only to be joyfully interrupted by the 1st Canada- and USA-tour including prestigious Celtic Festivals like Canmore and their 100th performance at Tulsa, Oklahoma.Sally Garen, promoter of the Canmore Highland Games, Canmore/ CAN: “Celtica has a very professional show; crowd-interactive, with high-caliber studied musicians.
Unsere Corona-Sonderaktion: Um die wegen der Krise schwankenden Lieferzeiten wett zumachen, bekommt man den Download-Link jetzt auch bei Bestellung der CD! A magic moment when aristocratic elegance meets daring visionary passion, the steam engine promises to become the modern gate to Utopia, and here, as a scientist, you are also adventurer and romanticist. Within 8 hours we created amazing choirs for the upcoming Album “Celtic Spirits”… After a short interruption the previous Facebook-page “Celtica – Pipes rock” is online again – but without the old contents and without the old likes (both has moved to the new Celtica-US-FB-page). 1 List Every artist I've seen live. “Visiting Friends” is a serial of interviews with musicians and bands we know personally from touring.